Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SharePoint Adoption -- the Netflix Effect

Mauro Cardarelli : SharePoint Adoption -- the Netflix Effect

Mauro is suggesting for a pragmatic introduction of Sharepoint: start small, and grow while learning.


Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

The Machine is Us/ing Us
A wonderful video about Web2.0, perhaps a little bit technical, but very nice visualisation !


SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud

SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud

A blogpost which is less in favor of Sharepoint!


Using Twitter in the Enterprise

Using Twitter in the Enterprise is another very nice overview (on SlideShare: don't forget to go to full screen view!) of possible uses of Twitter (found (again) through the site of Luis Suarez)


Lost Generation

YouTube - Lost Generation

Wow, this is awesome: just keep up watching till the end !!!!
thanks to Luis Suarez (and his blog)


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Dial2Do - a Great Voice Recorder !!!

I don't remember who pointed me to this site .... but I was looking for this already quite some time: a service where I can dial to, which records my voice message, and which sends the voice message back to me!

I have been using drop.io for quite some time (works nice, but you need to dial to a USA phone number !!!) (drop.io is really much more than a voice recorder .... it is an online storage place which is extremely easy to set-up and use !)

The advantage of Dial2Do is that it has an access point in Brussels.

drop.io drops your voice message into your RSS reader (it generates an RSS feed to the drop.io site), while Dial2Do notifies you with an email (the voice message is not attached to the email: you get a link to their site).

The way Dial2Do works: you register on Dial2Do (user-id, email address AND telephone number), and then you can dial the Brussels telephone number, Dial2Do recognizes your telephone number (Caller-ID should be on !!!), asks what you want to do, you say "reminder", the system acknowledges ... and off you go: you record your voice message, you disconnect, and the message is sent to your email address!
Quickly and easy: no voice recorder to drag along ... just your good old mobile phone (SPOI: Single Point of Interface?)

Do note that Dial2Do also let's you send text messages, and emails (I however did not yet try it out, so I cannot tell how well it works ... these options heavily rely on transcription)

Nice and free software !
